Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Words or Actions

Actions are said to speak louder than words. Out actions tell much more than what we say. For example,  you could be a Customer service representative who attends to Customers,  you may be saying I sincerely apologize for...  But your countenance does not depict you're truly sorry. People react to appearances much more than words. However, words also go a long way to speak to people's minds.

The politician who is campaigning for a position will promise to do almost anything and the people because of his words or his countenance when he was speaking believe him, vote for him and end of being disappointed in the end.

President Obama of the United States of America is a man of words, he knows how to move people by his words, that was why the American people voted him in for his famous speech, the "Yes we can" speech.

However,  words appeal more to the female gender than it does for the male gender.  A woman would fall in love by the words she hears,  she would also show her love by words as well as actions.  Whereas a Man will show his love mainly by actions, he fails in words, hence at times you hear " Words cannot express how much I love you " that's just the way a man is.

That is why as ladies,  if you want to know if a guy likes you or not, you can tell by his actions and not his words.. This is the light that is shown and seen clearly.

So brings the question who lies more then... Men or Women?  That's left for you to argue about. Well we are not here to argue that, or are we...?

Whatever you do, make sure your actions are in tandem with your words.

Words create,  while actions enact.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Blessing in Silence

Silence is said to be golden. But truly there is a high price for silence.  I would even say, silence is an art one needs to perfect.
If you don't have something nice to say, it's better you keep quiet. 
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11 KJV

Imagine how lovely this picture would be, that is how our words when said at the right time should be. I am very guilty of talking without thinking about the consequences and it has bit a number of times.
How then can one learn this art of Silence?
It takes patience on one's part.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
James 1:19 KJV
Now you must learn how not to speak immediately. Think of it like when you want to chew a very hard meat,  you take your time to chew it in your mouth before swallowing. Patience is just the watch word. I know how hard it is to be patient,  trust me it can be very hard... But Patience as we know is a virtue.
If you want to be virtuous,  being patient is the way to go.
I just hope we will all learn the beautiful art of Silence,  because in silence we meditate and become better individuals.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Work or Life

Growing up and watching our parents work was kind of nice, especially as you get to see your parents come home and they would even help out with your homework. Someone will say that was the 19th Century that happened last ; fast-forward to the 21st Century and it's a different ballgame.
One would think the more work one gets done the more satisfied an individual will be,but far from it. The way we work now as individuals,  we are gradually working ourselves to the grave. 
Now this brings to mind the all spoken about topic that no one has gotten a bearing on "Work -Life Balance ". How can one achieve this in this 21st Century time. One will propose I work SMART :

Time- related

But really, is this do-able,  with the way employers expect you to do Heaven and Earth (forgive the expression) to meet targets. Having a job before meant you have a specific task, but now it's not so as you can be employed for one task and end up doing a million and one things.

How then can I have a balanced work-life?

By applying these few tips:

1. Ensure you have a list of things you need to do as you resume for work, even if it is a mental list.
2. Remove all distractions,E.g Avoid side talks, gossip, etc.
3. Try not to do so many things at once; it won't help you cause in the end you will end up getting nothing done.
4. Set reminders.
5. Take short breaks.
6. As much as possible ,  DO NOT TAKE WORK HOME, unless you can't help it once in a while.
7. Remain hydrated.

This is just a little of what you can do, you can still find other things you can add.

The goal is do not over burden yourself, Hey you are too young to die just yet. The highest your company will do is to hold a one minute silence for you in your department and not the whole company will do that at the same time.

The main thing is plan your time adequately.
TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMP Version

Sunday, 3 January 2016


So, there is this school of thought that the friends you made when you were much younger tend to be the best you will ever have.. How true is this?

Well, I would say it may be true to an extent, I still keep in touch with most of my Primary School friends, well maybe it's because I'm still in the same environment where I can see them, but you can still make great friends when you get older. Isn't it funny how when you were in the tertiary institution, those you rarely spoke to now happen to be your friends after you have all left.. I would say this that opportunity and circumstances creates Friendships.

Especially in this part of the world;Nigeria, where we have the NYSC, great friendships are birthed here. If you don't make any during this one year, then all the people around you must have been really terrible... Lol.

So as for me, who are my friends? Is it the person I chat with over bbm everyday or the person I call often on the phone? So who then is a friend? 

One definition goes thus -
"A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations"

Another says " :  A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person."

Friendship breeds trust, mutual affection / likeness, and the good thing is its very easy to make a friend,  or is it?

The man of many friends [a friend of all the world] will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 AMP

So number one secret to making friends is you need to be true to yourself and pick someone of like interests,  you can't be a friend to everyone, the above scripture says it all.

A friend will do literally anything for you, ask yourself this question..  Are you a true Friend? Are your friends really friends.. As you start this year. Be sure to make a choice of your friends, leave acquaintances to be so and make the best out of every friendship you get.

I used to be of the school of thought that believed you can't have a best friend,  you just have plenty close friends,  but that has really changed cause I can say I do have close friends and a best friend... Someone I would do anything literally within my power for.

Jesus is our Friend and he died for us, I'm not saying you should die for anybody,  but that thing you know would take a lot out of you if you do it for someone is a sign that you really value the friendship you have. Think on those who have gone out of their way to do things not convenient for them to help you and you will find a friend that you have always wanted and needed.

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Proverbs 17:17 KJV.

In all, be a friend indeed and in truth.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

A Fresh Start

So here I am lying on my bed and thinking about what I can do to make a difference in this world.

Many people have passed through this life and have made an impact and still keep impacting lives even in death.. Be they Christians or otherwise. This calls to mind the Late Dr. Myles Munroe, I am reading this book of his "The Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage " and I'm not even halfway through, but it has been a blessing to me.

Now as a Nigerian gal,  what can I do to impact my world.  Generally reasoning things are somewhat tough in Nigeria,  but we still have those who make some significant impact in this environment..

So starting this year, I have decided to make my own small impact.. I will be showing you my insides through words... It will be like my own public Diary..  Almost like the popular " Vampire Diaries " just that hey.. There will be no vampires in this one...lol.

So let's face it, time waits for no one..You should have learned that by now, at least in this past year 2015,  when was it we said "Happy New Year " and all of a sudden 2015 is gone and we are in 2016. 

My little advice, do what you can now and do not postpone it, cause just as we said "Happy New Year" just yesterday,  we would be saying "Merry Christmas " soon.

This is Day 2 of the year 2016,  I had this friend on BBM who last year made it a duty to count the days 1/365 till the very last day 365/365, I wonder if he just counted it or if it made an impact as he counted down the days... But one thing I saw was that he was consistent in doing this.. 

Now 2016,  requires some consistency from you... How consistent do you wanna be in this year?

Over the next few days, lets not do the normal New Year Resolutions we throw out the door the next day, rather let's choose to be Consistent in what we do... Be it your work, Praying,  Reading your Bible,  Loving, whatever it may be...  Be Consistent.

Proverbs 22:29 says
"Observe People who are good at their work- skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don't take a backseat to anyone".

....The Message Version