Yesterday marked a very interesting day of my life. I had the best interview ever with the CEO of a company. Now it's not because I have gotten the job, but because I had a real discussion with the individual in question. I learned and she also learnt a thing or two from me. Now this is the first interview ever I've had that I was not anxious during the discussion. She made me feel relaxed in every bit and made me feel at home. Now this brings me to why people always feel anxious during or before an interview. Yes it's very normal to feel anxious even though the Bible advises against that, but what makes you relax? Or how can you achieve a relaxed mind.
1. Your interviewer can do that for you with the way he/she communicates with you.
2. You can also talk to yourself and relax on your own.
If you see every interview as a way to improve on yourself and the way you interact with people, you will go into every interview and come out without fear. Just believe whatever is yours is yours. The secret is having the right thoughts. Your thoughts shape your reality. You can achieve everything you ever want by thinking the right thoughts always.
There is this book "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne that will open your mind up to how your thoughts bring forth whatever happens to you in life.
I want to assure you that no one can bring you down if you don't give them that power, the Power is in your own hands. You have got to unleash the Power in you.
Do drop your comments in the comment section, till I write next tata for now☺️